Anna Koshmal

Anna Koshmal was conceived in Kyiv (Ukraine) on the 22nd 1994. Anna Koshmal is now 27 years old. old. There's no information on the internet about her siblings or parents. Anna is also of Ukrainian origin and adheres to the Christian belief system. Anna Koshmal net worth estimated as $2 million. Her income comes from performing in various movies and television shows. Anna claims she has a modeling career for various magazines. Anna Koshmal dreamed of becoming an artist from the age of six years old. She wasn't certain of what she would do in the future. Through her childhood, Anna took many classes on painting. Anna studied vocals and modern dance. She's a gifted painter. In several interviews Komal spoke about their talent to paint. Within two months of her beginning studying, her parents obliged Komal into Republic Kids drama school. The drama classes she took helped her develop the acting abilities of her and develop an understanding of the theatre. She then went on to at the Faculty of Music and Management for lessons in pop music under the guidance of L. I. Utyosov. She was cast as a lead actress by a team of movie casting agents after graduation of her Faculty of Music. Take a look below at what transpired! Kvartal 95 Studio approached Anna Koshmal when she was seventeen years old. They approached her after she attended Republic Kids. She was approached by the agent of her studio when she was still a student. She on the other hand did not know what role she was auditioning for when the casting agents approached her. She was only required to perform a couple of songs and do a few vocals before an agent from the casting agency. Her agency approved her almost quickly. Her first acting gig was on Match Makers a television comedy series.

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